The market-leading DatamedIQ panel

With exclusive data from the largest online pharmacies, we operate the largest OTC panel and have the strongest market coverage.


DatamedIQ operates the largest and strongest panel in the mail-order pharmacy sector, which includes the leading online pharmacies

Using valid statistical models, DatamedIQ extrapolates the transaction data from all these data providers to 100% of the German mail-order market. The data basis of our partner companies also includes sales from the so-called marketplace business, such as the Amazon Marketplace. Recently, we significantly increased our coverage with Aponeo, Sanicare and Disapo.



DatamedIQ operates the largest panel for the German CHC mail order business.



Exclusive data from the largest online pharmacies.


of the German
CHC mail order business

can be analyzed by extrapolating the transaction data from our data providers.

Key questions
and answers at a glance

How does the DatamedIQ extrapolation differ from other extrapolations?

DatamedIQ’s extrapolation stands out due to the quality, representativeness, and exclusivity of the underlying data.

Our results represent top-notch data quality. You benefit particularly from the type and amount of available data: With DatamedIQ’s exclusive access to the order data from leading online pharmacies, we have the largest panel of its kind. This enables us to ensure exceptionally precise and high-quality results.

From which online pharmacies does DatamedIQ receive its data?

The DatamedIQ panel now includes 19 of the top 25 online pharmacies, with recent expansions to include Aponeo, Sanicare, and Disapo. Our database also covers sales and turnover from marketplace businesses like Amazon Marketplace. An overview of all our data suppliers is available above.

We have exclusive partnerships with some of our data suppliers, allowing us to uniquely analyze and extrapolate their sales data. Combined with non-exclusive data sets, this makes our panel the most representative on the market.

What data does DatamedIQ receive from online pharmacies?

DatamedIQ receives so-called transaction data from online pharmacies, which are the information generated during a purchase in an online pharmacy. This includes shopping cart information and statistical data about the buyer.

Is this personal data?

Regarding the buyer information (gender, age, and 4-digit postal code), it involves non-personal or personally identifiable data. With these purely statistical data, any personal reference is demonstrably and consistently excluded.

Some specific points about data collection:

We never receive the exact delivery address of the customers. Instead, we only get information about the region based on the first four digits of the postal code. For transactions, we receive information about the gender and age of the customers. The age is rounded to 5 years to prevent direct identification. Although we have customer reference numbers or IDs, these do not come directly from the shop system. They are pseudonymized or anonymized using hashing methods. Therefore, at no point is it possible to associate a reference number with a specific customer, even across different systems.

How and how often does DatamedIQ receive its data?

DatamedIQ receives its data daily. The transaction data from the previous day is always transmitted to us on the following day. However, it should be noted that there may be delays due to system-related issues with our suppliers’ ERP systems, particularly with shipping companies. Nevertheless, we can highly likely ensure that all relevant transactions are recorded in our database no later than two days after a purchase. In fact, about 95% of all data arrives with us the day after the transaction.

What measures does DatamedIQ take to ensure data quality?

DatamedIQ places great emphasis on ensuring data quality and has implemented several measures for this purpose:

  1. Automated Monitoring of Data Deliveries: Our systems automatically monitor all incoming data deliveries. If a delivery fails, we are immediately notified. This allows us to alert the supplier about the missing data set early in the morning and request it promptly, ensuring daily data delivery.
  2. Quality Assurance Processes: In addition to monitoring data deliveries, we have established other automated procedures to check data quality. These processes detect deviations in the data based on our experience. When deviations are identified, we receive notifications that are reviewed and investigated by our dedicated Data Team.
  3. Manual Review: Before publishing our monthly reports, we conduct an additional four-eye check to manually verify the completeness and plausibility of the data—an internal process known as “Eye Bawling.”

Through these measures, we ensure that the data we provide is always of the highest quality.


How does DatamedIQ extrapolate market figures from the transaction data of online pharmacies?

DatamedIQ uses a sophisticated method to extrapolate market figures based on transaction data from online pharmacies:

  1. Statistical Model: Initially, we use a regression model to estimate market figures. Based on our knowledge of the market size and the volume of transaction data available to us, we can determine the factor by which we need to extrapolate the data to reach the actual market value.

  2. Extrapolation Factors: We have several hundred thousand extrapolation factors that were initially established and are regularly updated, especially when onboarding new pharmacies into the panel.

  3. Consistent Data Handling: Our extrapolation is based on the transaction data from our partner pharmacies. To ensure consistent quality, we have agreed on specific data standards and specifications with our suppliers. This ensures that the data streams are consistent across all suppliers.

  4. Product-Specific Extrapolation: For each product, represented by a PZN (Pharmaceutical Central Number), our model uses specific extrapolation factors. With these, we can extrapolate the data provided to us for each product to a level that we consider representative of the market level for that product.

  5. Consideration of Trends: In addition to our statistical models, we also consider market trends in our extrapolation. This ensures that there are no overestimations or underestimations in growth.

Through this methodology, we ensure precise and reliable extrapolation of market figures from the transaction data available to us.

Why do the sales figures drawn from the daily sales dashboard not match the figures from the monthly dashboard, even though both are defined as "sales"?

The sales figures in the daily and monthly reports are both categorized under the term “sales,” but the numbers can differ. This is because the daily data is initially preliminary and only captures orders through certain channels immediately. Additionally, cancellations and returns may not be accounted for right away. After a few days, these data are corrected and supplemented, so the monthly data provides a more complete and refined representation of all transactions, including all channels and corrections. These monthly reports are ideal for analyzing long-term trends and strategic planning, as they offer a comprehensive overview. In contrast, daily data is useful for the immediate assessment of marketing campaigns or rapid market changes.

Does the DatamedIQ extrapolation also include marketplaces and/or hybrid pharmacies?

Marketplaces: We consider transactions from marketplaces if the supplier is active there. For instance, if a supplier has a seller account on platforms like Amazon, we include these transactions in our extrapolation.

Hybrid Pharmacies (Brick-and-Mortar Pharmacies Selling Through Marketplaces): Generally, hybrid pharmacies are not systematically included in our extrapolation. Our panel primarily covers the B2C business, meaning transactions where end consumers purchase products directly from online pharmacies. If a customer buys a product from a marketplace pharmacy that is not our partner, this transaction is not included in our extrapolation. Only if the hybrid pharmacy is legally part of one of our partners and the contracts are consolidated, could we consider such transactions. Currently, we do not have dedicated data delivery contracts with marketplace providers like Amazon or eBay. We only receive data from our suppliers who have contracts through these marketplaces.

What is sell-out data and what are OTC Insights?

Definition of Sell-out Data: In the context of OTC mail-order trade, “sell-out data” refers to specific sales information that online pharmacies commit to providing to pharmaceutical manufacturers during annual discussions. These data reveal the sales figures that an online pharmacy has achieved for the products of a particular pharmaceutical manufacturer and rarely include information on category sales. The purpose of sell-out data is to give pharmaceutical manufacturers insight into the performance of their (and only their) product portfolio in this (and only this) online pharmacy. The overall market is not represented.

Definition of OTC Insights: The extrapolated market data from DatamedIQ, known as OTC Insights, is a completely different data source that extrapolates the transaction data of the largest online pharmacies to represent 100 percent of the German mail-order market. The data base includes 19 of the top 25 pharmacies and also includes sales from the so-called marketplace business, such as Amazon Marketplace. Thus, OTC Insights does not provide information about a manufacturer’s product portfolio in a specific pharmacy but rather the extrapolated figures of all manufacturers in the overall market. These data are consistently and uniformly exported, offering a clear and unadulterated view of the national B2C business.

If I obtain and aggregate sell-out data from all relevant online pharmacies, do I then have market figures?

Not at all! Aggregating data means bringing together data from multiple sources or categories, combining different datasets into a unified whole for subsequent analysis. While aggregation for data reduction purposes has its place in many areas, we strongly advise against using aggregated sell-out data from ePharmacies to represent comprehensive market figures for the following reasons:

  1. Inconsistent Inclusion of Business Areas: Not all mail-order businesses include international or marketplace transactions. This can lead to distorted overall data if some include this business segment while others do not.

  2. Different Delimitation Criteria: The differentiation of orders by order date or invoice date can result in significant differences in recorded revenues.

  3. Inconsistent Handling of Bundles: If some mail-order businesses break down bundles while others do not, the data cannot be directly compared.

  4. Lack of Consideration for Price Dynamics: If price fluctuations over the course of a month or year are not considered, this can lead to an inaccurate representation of actual revenue.

  5. Variability in Quality Control: Different standards of quality control for sell-out data by online pharmacies can lead to data that varies in reliability and accuracy.

  6. Amplification of Differences: Aggregating data from various sources with different methods and standards can result in magnifying discrepancies and errors in the data.

  7. Market Changes: The continuous changes in the market through closures, acquisitions, new openings, and business model changes are often not adequately considered in standard aggregations.

  8. High Standard Error: All these factors can lead to a dataset with an increased standard error, impairing the reliability and accuracy of the data.

  9. Market Variables: Traditional aggregation methods often cannot adequately account for all the aforementioned variables, leading to significant discrepancies in the aggregated data.

How does the DatamedIQ extrapolation differ from aggregated sell-out data from pharmacies?

Aggregated sell-out data from pharmacies and DatamedIQ’s extrapolated data are fundamentally different datasets. They differ primarily in the following key aspects:

  1. Uniform Interface: DatamedIQ requests transaction data from all suppliers according to uniform standards. This specification forms the basis for a representative extrapolation: revenues are uniformly delimited and only B2C transactions are evaluated. In contrast, pharmacy sell-out data is not exported uniformly.
  2. Daily Data Review: We systematically check the data daily for completeness and accuracy. Additionally, a detailed four-eye principle review is conducted monthly. Comparable quality standards do not exist for sell-out data.
  3. Representative Data: Our data offers the highest and leading market coverage, as we collaborate with top pharmacies and other well-known pharmacies that have high market relevance. Our market models account for closures and other special market effects, which are generally not or inadequately modeled in aggregated sell-out data.
  4. Bundle Resolution: Another distinguishing feature is that we uniformly identify and break down product bundles into their individual components. This is particularly important for revenue, which is generally not possible with sell-out data.
  5. Overall Market View: While sell-out data is usually available only for the pharmacy’s own portfolio, the DatamedIQ panel provides an overall market view. This allows our customers to reliably observe market shares and their shifts.

In summary, DatamedIQ provides a comprehensive, standardized, and representative view of the market, whereas pharmacy sell-out data is often more limited and less standardized.

Each CHC manufacturer must decide independently which data to use for evaluating their performance. However, given the superior coverage and quality assurance of our extrapolations, we strongly recommend against using aggregated sell-out or sell-in data. Comparing these data with ours is often not productive.

If sell-out data should not be used as market data, is it superfluous?

Certainly not! They are particularly useful for specific applications beyond market analysis. For example, the sell-out figures from ePharmacies are the only reliable data source for evaluating certain campaigns or performance at a specific pharmacy.

Where can I find out more about the right data basis for my business decisions?

In this article, we go into this topic in detail. You will learn about the most common data sources and the (very significant!) difference between aggregated sell-out data and extrapolated market figures.

Contact us

Would you like to find out more about the panel?

Would you like to learn more about the panel? Talk to our experts and find out how you can efficiently use the Insights Hub and advance your company. Alternatively, you can also contact us by email or phone.

Steffen Hofbauer

Steffen Hofbauer

Head of Sales & Solutions

Maaike Meibert

Maaike Meibert

Customer Service Manager

Oliver Fenske

Oliver Fenske

Senior Account Manager

Vincent Klee

Vincent Klee

Account Manager

Vincent Klee

Tim Noack

Account Manager

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